Slab-Column Moment Shear Transfer
This chapter discusses the tabulation of slab-column moment shear transfer data in Microsoft Excel....

This chapter discusses the tabulation of tension, compression, and flexural development data in Microsoft Excel....

Reinforced Concrete Beam
This chapter discusses the tabulation of reinforced concrete beam data in Microsoft Excel....

LN2 Bulk Storage Tank: Test Measurements
This chapter discusses storage tank test measurement data....

LRFD Compared to Working Strength Loads: Introduction
This chapter introduces the subject of load resistance factor design as compared to working strength loads....

LRFD Compared to Working Strength Loads
This chapter contains examples used to demonstrate the design of footings to resist seismic loads....

This chapter discusses basic principles of acceleration, gravity, and thrust for reference....

Quadratic and Cubic Equations
This chapter contains quadratic and cubic equations for reference....

AutoCAD 2000 LISP Routines
This chapter contains AutoCAD 2000 LISP Routines for reference....

Units Conversion
This chapter contains unit conversion tables for reference....

This chapter contains notation information for reference....

Executive Summary
This section contains a brief commentary on Hurricane Katrina's damage to infrastructure....

Overview of Hurricane Katrina
This section provides a brief overview of the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina as well the storm's wind speed....

Overview of Damage
This section provides an overview of the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and its ensuing costs....

Emergency Preparedness
This section provides a brief summary of the emergency preparedness plans for Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana....

Highway Bridges Performance and Repair
This chapter covers highway bridges performance and repair. Bridges in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama are discussed....

Railroad Performance and Repair
This chapter covers railroad performance and repair. Railroads in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are discussed....

Roadway Performance and Repair
This chapter covers roadway performance and repair. Roadways in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama are discussed....

Rerouting and Traffic Demands
This chapter examines rerouting and traffic demands in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama....

Impact on New Design
This chapter briefly discusses potential changes in bridge design following Hurricane Katrina....





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