Fast Track
by Walter Antlauf, General Manager for Transrapid Guideway System; Max B�gl Bauunternehmung GmbH und Company KG, Neumarkt, Germany,Fran�ois G. Bernardeau, P.E., Associate of CDM; Annandale, Virginia. Is a leading CDM's Maglev efforts in the U. S.,
Kevin C. Coates, Transportation and Energy Policy Consultant; Bethesda, Maryland. Former spokesperson for Transrapid International-USA.,
Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 2004, Vol. 74, Issue 11, Pg. 36-43
Document Type: Feature article
The high-speed magnetic levitation rail is now in operation in Shanghai - the first of its kind in the world - demonstrates that this extraordinary technology can move people in a way that is fast, reliable, and cost effective.
Subject Headings: Railroad tracks | Rail transportation | Magnetic fields | High-speed rail | Benefit cost ratios
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