Summary Report on the Use of Underground Space to Achieve National Goals

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
1973, Soft Cover, Pg. 20
A Program for Improving the Effectiveness of Underground Construction; Conducted by the Underground Construction Research Council of ASCE in cooperation with AIME
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book


This program is a summary of a 355-page report describing a program for improving the effectiveness of underground construction. The report evaluates the potential benefits that can accrue to society from a transfer of many urban and other life-support functions to a sub-surface space. The capability to make these transfers hinges on (1) a large R&D effort, (2) a public policy decision to achieve the transfers, and (3) the creation of the institutional arrangements to execute and implement the program.

Subject Headings: Underground construction | Space life support systems | Underground structures | Urban areas | Public policy | Hinges


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