Irrigation and Drainage in the Nineteen-Eighties

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
1979, Soft Cover, Pg. 447

Conference information: ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference | Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States | July 17-20, 1979

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


Proceedings of the 1979 Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 17-20, 1979. Sponsored by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Irrigation and Drainage in the Nineteen-Eighties contains many papers covering a broad range of relevant issues in irrigation and drainage. Topics include project formulation principles, energy conservation with existing irrigation systems, water quality regulations and agricultural return flows in arid areas, innovative irrigation methods with low energy requirements, western ground water law, and nonpoint sources and environmental impacts. These proceedings will be of interest to both practitioners and researchers in the field of irrigation and drainage engineering.

Subject Headings: Drainage | Irrigation | Water quality | Water conservation | Irrigation water | Irrigation systems | Hydro power


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