
by R. Bruce Chalmers, P.E., Principal; Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., Irvine CA,
William R. Everest, P.E., Assoc. General Mgr.; Groundwater Replenishment System, Orange County Water District, Fountain Valley, CA,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 2002, Vol. 72, Issue 1, Pg. 58-63

Document Type: Feature article


The Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System is a regional water supply project sponsored jointly by the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD). As one of the largest advanced recycled water facilities in the world, the GWR System will protect the groundwater basin from further degradation due to seawater intrusion and supplement existing water supplies by providing a new, reliable, high-quality source of water to recharge the Orange County Groundwater Basin (the basin). For OCSD, recycling the water will also provide peak wastewater flow disposal relief and postpone the need to construct a new ocean outfall by diverting treated wastewater flows that would otherwise be discharged to the Pacific Ocean. The GWR System will consist of three main components: an advanced water treatment facility (AWTF) consisting of microfiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), and ultraviolet (UV) oxidation treatment processes; a conveyance pipeline connecting the treatment facilities to existing Kraemer-Miller recharge basins; and expansion of the existing seawater intrusion barrier injection wells and appurtenant pipelines.

Subject Headings: Water supply systems | Water supply | Water treatment plants | Water reclamation | Recharge basins | Groundwater supply | Existing buildings

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