The Power of the Press Release
by Cynthia C. Paul, Dir.; FMI Corp. in Raleigh, NC,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 2001, Vol. 71, Issue 1, Pg. 64-65
Document Type: Feature article
Small businesses often find it is difficult to obtain the same kinds of news coverage that larger firms receive. But a simple process of establishing a media contact list and generating regular press releases can help promote both the firm and the civil engineering industry as a whole. The first step, establishing contacts, is a matter of calling editors and writers with general and industry-specific media, determining who the best contacts are, and keeping that file current. Putting together useful press releases involves answering the five basic news questions: Who? What? When? Where? And Why? It's also best to end the release with complete contact information and a summary of your company's location and specialties.
Subject Headings: Industries | Small business | Engineering firms
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