Safety in a Designer's Hands

by John A. Gambatese, (M.ASCE), Asst. Prof. of Civ. Engrg.; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 2000, Vol. 70, Issue 6, Pg. 56-59

Document Type: Feature article


Although contractors face safety issues every day, engineers and architects have traditionally not addressed construction site safety in project designs. But there are design practices that can improve safety, including producing a schedule that minimizes the need for nighttime and overtime work, setting up sites so that construction in different areas can proceed simultaneously, locating underground utilities and other features to be avoided before construction starts, and orienting the project or grading the site to minimize the amount of work done on steep slopes, among many other practices.

Subject Headings: Construction sites | Underground construction | Occupational safety | Night time construction | Subsurface utilities | Project management | Building design

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