Socioeconomic Characteristics of Curitiba: Planning for Change through the Integration of Land Use and Transportation

by Lucas Nieri, Rua Angelo Sampaio N:1037, Curitiba, PR CEP:80250-120, Brazil,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Urban Public Transportation Systems: Implementing Efficient Urban Transit Systems and Enhancing Transit Usage


The city of Curitiba, called the Environmental Capital of Brazil, has been awarded numerous environmental prizes including two awards from the United Nations. Like most cities in the Western Hemisphere, the story of Curitiba's development is a complex one, built on the confluence of natural conditions and human activity. This city's success and subsequent reputation is the result, however, of a number of specific interventions that have been carefully choreographed by the leaders of this city to the benefit of its citizens.

Subject Headings: Urban and regional development | Urban areas | Social factors | Economic factors | Land use | Developing countries | Awards and prizes | Brazil | South America

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