NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA
978-0-7844-0353-2 (ISBN-13) | 0-7844-0353-8 (ISBN-10), 2000, Soft Cover, Pg. ix, 321
28 cm, Technical Engineering and Design Guides as Adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 28

Document Type: Book


Technical Engineering and Design Guides, as adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 28.

This manual provides technical specifications and procedural guidance for surveying with the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS). Intended as a comprehensive reference guide for differential carrier phase GPS surveying, it details static and kinematic survey methods, GPS data reduction, post-processing, and adjustment methods.

Topics include: NAVSTAR GPS operational theory, GPS applications, absolute positioning, relative positioning, survey equipment, GPS control and field surveys, post-processing data, and contracted GPS survey costs.

NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying will be of use to any engineering, topographic, or construction surveyor performing surveys for civil works and military construction projects.

Subject Headings: Global navigation satellite systems | Topographic surveys | Surveys (non-geomatic) | Surveying methods | Surveying instruments | Construction methods | Global positioning systems


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