Managing the Megaproject
by David K. Williams, P.E., (M.ASCE), Design Mgr.; Michael Baker Corp., Corapolis, PA,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1999, Vol. 69, Issue 10, Pg. 48-51
Document Type: Feature article
The Mon/Fayette Expressway and Southern Beltway will link Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Morgantown, West Virginia via a 104 km, $3.5 billion Y-shaped highway. With the project split into 13 separate units, excellent project management was critical to success. By holding biweekly meetings with contractors in their offices, the management team ensured that designers could spend the maximum amount of time working. Reviewing possible stumbling blocks and alternatives as soon as they arose kept design changes to a minimum. Construction contractors also attended meetings, allowing them to identify their needs�such as the alignment of access roads�early on, saving time and money.
Subject Headings: Project management | Highways and roads | Contracts and subcontracts | Team building | Personnel management | Light rail transit | Infrastructure construction
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