Impacts of CSO Swirl Concentrator on Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Anacostia River

by Timothy Murphy,
Mohsin Siddique,
Brian Hazelwood,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: WRPMD'99: Preparing for the 21st Century


Purpose: To assess impacts of the CSO control, two continuous monitoring stations were located upstream and downstream from the CSO outfall. The monitors recorded dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH, and conductivity at 30-minute increments between the months of March and November. Nearly three years of baseline conditions were recorded before the swirl concentrator went online in August 1990. To date, five years of post-construction conditions have been recorded. The purpose of this study was to analyze the continuous monitoring data to assess impacts, if any, of the CSO swirl concentrator on the DO concentrations in the Anacostia River.

Subject Headings: Dissolved oxygen | Rivers and streams | Combined sewers | Water quality | Water pollution | Data analysis | pH

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