Test Wall Promises Big Savings (Available in Geo-Environmental Special Issue Only)

by Virginia Fairweather, Editor in Chief; Civil Engineering Magazine, Reston, VA,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1998, Vol. 68, Issue 10, Pg. 2A-4A

Document Type: Feature article


A new kind of retaining wall is being tested in Texas at a National Geotechnical Experiment site. The wall is a variation of soil-mixing that uses fewer columns, which saves time, materials and money. The method is restricted to areas where there is room for the conventional augers that must be used. Overlapping columns form the face of the wall, but behind the wall, the columns are spaced, and the spacing depends on the soil type. The Federal Highway Administration and the National Science Foundation fund the experiment sites, and the FHWA is also helping to fund further monitoring at the site. The technology was developed by GeoCon, Bridgeville, Pa., a URS Greiner/Woodward-Clyde company, which has spent $400,000 on the project. The technology is also being tested by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation, under its HiTec evaluation program. A report will be produced by mid-1999.

Subject Headings: Federal government | Walls | Retaining structures | Geotechnical engineering | Spacing | Soil mixing | Soil classification

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