A Signature Bridge for Boston (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
by Anthony Ricci, P.E., Manager; Structures, Massachusetts Highway Dept., Boston, MA,Vijay Chandra, P.E., Chief Bridge Engineer; Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff,
Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1997, Vol. 67, Issue 6, Pg. 2a-5a
Document Type: Feature article
The first hybrid steel and concrete span in America will debut over the Charles River in Boston, carrying ten lanes of interstate traffic and serving as an elegant capstone to the largest public works project in the country. Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel Project involves many innovative underground structures. But above ground, the project's Charles River Crossing features a hybrid concrete and steel bridge that will be the first of its type in the nation. The river crossing provides virtually the only access to Boston from the north, straddling the Charles in the historic area where Paul Revere began his famous ride and the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. Accordingly, we have a great interest in ensuring that the bridge features a distinctive design that provides a dramatic gateway to the downtown.
Subject Headings: Steel bridges | Concrete bridges | Project management | Underground structures | Hybrid methods | Water transportation | Traffic engineering | Boston | Massachusetts | United States
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