Rebound of the Bascule Bridge
by Patrick A. Cassity, P.E., (M.ASCE), Project Engineer; Teng & Associates, Inc. Chicago, IL,Vinod C. Patel, P.E., (M.ASCE), Project Manager; Teng & Associates, Inc., Chicago, IL,
R. Shankar Nair, P.E., (F.ASCE), Senior Vice President; Teng & Associates, Inc., Chicago, IL,
Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1996, Vol. 66, Issue 8, Pg. 48-50
Document Type: Feature article
A patented bascule bridge in Sheboygan, Wis. demonstrates design innovations that reduce the cost of bascule construction and minimize maintenance problems. The new $7.5 million South Eighth Street Bridge spanning the Sheboygan River in Wisconsin may resemble existing bascule bridges, but it represents a significant departure from traditional bascule design. The single-leaf, unbalanced bascule bridge incorporates three new design features: a noncounterweighted design, a concrete roadway deck slab and a simple structural framing system. These improvements address long-standing cost and durability issues surrounding bascule bridges. The result is a structure that is less expensive than a conventional bascule bridge and nearly as durable as modern fixed bridges.
Subject Headings: Bascule bridges | Bridge design | Highway and road design | Maintenance and operation | Infrastructure construction | Structural systems | Bridge management
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