Coastal Groins and Nearshore Breakwaters

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-998-1 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-998-8 (ISBN-10), 1994, Soft Cover, Pg. 90
Technical Engineering and Design Guides as Adapted from the US Army Corps of Engineers, No. 6

Document Type: Book


Technical Engineering and Design Guides, as adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers No. 6.

This book provides guidance for the design and placement of beach stabilization structures, specifically groins, nearshore breakwaters, and submerged sills. Groin dimensions?such as height, length, spacing, and permeability?and their effects on a groin's functional performance are examined, along with the use of physical and mathematical models to evaluate designs. Topics include: various design factors; the effect of breakwaters on nearshore circulation; wave conditions in the breakwater's lee; longshore transport; onshore-offshore transport; and construction and post-construction activities.

Because the design of beach stabilization structures requires analysis of the wave, current, and longshore transport environments as well as the coastal processes at a project site, this manual can only provide general guidance and design concepts in the area of beach stabilization. The manual also includes a compilation of the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of beach stabilization systems.

Subject Headings: Coastal protection structures | Littoral drift | Coastal management | Nearshore | Groins (structure) | Breakwaters | Structural stability


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