CAD for Small Hydro Projects
by Norman A. Bishop, Jr., Sr. Principal Hydraulic Engr.; Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., 7677 East Berry Ave., Englewood, Colo. 80111-2137,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1994, Vol. 64, Issue 4, Pg. 64-66
Document Type: Feature article
The quest to reduce design costs and improve design quality by raising productivity is familiar to every manager and designer. This article examines how CAD can play a role by examining the start-up of KST Hydroelectric Engineers, a Toronto-based joint venture of Klohn-Crippen Consultants, Stone & Webster Canada and Trow Consulting Engineers specializing in small hydroelectric projects. Before hiring new staff or buying any equipment, the KST partners performed a detailed assessment of their needs to match the work requirements with personnel, hardware and software. As part of the assessment, the firm outlined training requirements for existing staff and qualifications for new hires. CAD literacy for designers and engineers was deemed essential. The firm strives to integrate CAE (computer-aided engineering) software with CAD to streamline design and eliminate duplication of effort. Along the same lines, KST engineers are also developing a specialized CAD library for small hydroprojects that includes construction-proven designs and details that can be copied or adapted for other projects. Effective use of CAD and extensive cross-training has improved design quality and productivity.
Subject Headings: Computer aided design | Consulting services | Project management | Hydro power | Computer software | Training | Rocks
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