Concrete Watertight Structures and Hazardous Liquid Containment

by Robert Hengst, (M.ASCE), Plant Engineer; Water Treatment Plant, Austin, Texas,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-791-8 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-791-8 (ISBN-10), 1994, Soft Cover, Pg. 150

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book


The purpose of Concrete Watertight Structures and Hazardous Liquid Containment is to provide a practical guide for practicing engineers who design concrete watertight structures and hazardous liquid containment. The book presents an understanding of these structures such that the principles can be applied in a more comprehensive and rational way no matter what type and configuration are used. Chapter one presents general materials and design considerations, including loadings. Chapters two through four provide specific design requirements while chapters five and six consist of practical design guidelines for detailing and coatings. In addition, the appendixes contain design data on such items as 1) Dead and live loads; 2) weights of chemicals; 3) beam diagrams and formulas; 4) strength design; and 5) pipe properties. The breadth and organization of the information presented is such that either an engineer who regularly designs these structures, or one who does not, will find it useful in reducing the amount of time needed to perform design.

Subject Headings: Structural reliability | Concrete structures | Structural design | Live loads | Concrete | Structural strength | Pipes


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