Wastewater Treatment for Better Environment

by Rawya Monir Kansoh, Alexandria Univ,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Hydraulic Engineering


Wastewaters from households, industries, and combined sewers are collected and transport to the treatment plant with the effluent commonly disposed of by dilution in rivers, lakes or estuaries. This is normally the only feasible method of disposal and for several communities on rivers, the only system that ensures adequate water resources for downstream users during drought flows. Other means include irrigation, infiltration, evaporation from lagoons and submarine outfalls extending into the ocean. The location of a typical municipal wastewater treatment plant is illustrated. The lesson is that populations increases, but water and land resources do not. Consequently, the use and control of these resources must be nearly perfect to maintain our way of life. Exercising this control will require the skillful blending of state of the art technology with a host political, social, economic, and organizational elements. It is the technology of water supply and pollution control.

Subject Headings: Water treatment | Water shortage | Water resources | Water pollution | Wastewater treatment plants | Water supply | Municipal wastewater

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