Environmental Education Program

by Constan?a M. da Rocha Moreira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de, Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Sonia M. Wanderley, Universidade do Estado do Rio de, Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
David Man Wai Zee, Universidade do Estado do Rio de, Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '93


This work originated from a proposal by the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Oceanography Department, and Human Sciences and Social Integration Department of Colegio de Aplicacao-UERJ for the development of an Environmental Education Program having the Copacabana beach as its theme. The central aim would be to develop pedagogic instruments, to be used at elementary and secondary levels, by means of creating and adapting material for research in three subjects: History, Geography and Oceanography. Thus the beach and its location areas were considered, in a first stage, under those different points of view. The project does not simply consist of informing beach users how to proceed. It aims at imparting the knowledge of how beach dynamics act upon space, and how man must interact with them in a harmonious relationship. The project does not only propose to show 'what to do', but mainly to inform 'why to do it'.

Subject Headings: Beaches | Coastal management | Engineering education | Oceanography | Environmental engineering | Beach protection and nourishment | Project management | Brazil | South America

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