Management of a Continental Shelf Ecosystem

by Rezneat Darnell, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, United States,
James D. Simons, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '93


The ecological system of the Mississippi-Alabama continental shelf is highly diverse and productive and contains unique natural features worth preserving. This system is intimately bound with and is dependent upon ecological systems of the adjacent inside waters (bays, estuaries, and sounds). Massive human intrusion, particularly during the past two decades, has greatly affected environments of the inside waters as well as populations inhabiting the shelf. Although remedies are fairly clear, at present no single management agency has the authority to examine the total inside-outside system or to redress the mounting problems. The situation calls for federal leadership in bringing together relevant federal, state, and local interests to develop and implement plans for restoring the man-nature balance expounded in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.

Subject Headings: Ecosystems | Federal government | Ecological restoration | Coastal management | Public policy | Population projection | Leadership | United States | Alabama | Gulf of Mexico | Mississippi

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