Seattle Plays It Safe
by Walter F. Anton, (F.ASCE), Chief Engr.; Seattle Water Dept., 710 2nd Ave., Seattle, WA 98104,Ronald M. Polivka, (F.ASCE), Vice Pres.; Cygna Group, 1800 Harrison St., Oakland, CA 94623,
Laurel Harrington, (M.ASCE), Sr. Civ. Engr.; Seattle Water Dept., 710 2nd Ave., Seattle, WA,
Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1992, Vol. 62, Issue 8, Pg. 38-40
Document Type: Feature article
To ensure the reliability of its aging water system in a major earthquake, the Seattle Water Department commissioned a comprehensive assessment of the system's seismic reliability to serve as a guide in upgrading its facilities and pipelines. This assessment was one of the largest of its kind ever done. A report in 1990 identified facilities in the system that would be inoperable after a maximum credible earthquake, made preliminary recommendations and set priorities for their seismic upgrade. Design work on the upgrades is one-third complete, and the department will award the first contracts for construction later this year. Total costs for the program are $17 million, of which $12 million is for construction. Implementation is taking place over a seven-year period through 1996 in order to spread out the financial impact and ensure an orderly progression. The article describes the seismic assessments and planned upgrades.
Subject Headings: Seismic tests | Seismic effects | Water pipelines | System reliability | Earthquakes | Construction management | Safety | Seattle | Washington | United States
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