Remediation Site Prioritization by the Risk Ranking and Filtering Method

by James H. Lambert, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States,
Con Way Ling, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States,
Yacov Y. Haimes, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources V


The risk ranking and filtering (RRF) method, developed for ranking critical components of the NASA Space Shuttle, is a possible framework for the prioritization of hazardous-waste sites for remediation. In the RRF, the criteria for assessing remediation-site risks are explicit and quantifiable, and more information per site is used to differentiate among high-priority than low-priority sites. The RRF builds on concepts of fault tolerance in generating the site-ranking criteria. Risk is understood to mean both the probability and the severity of adverse effects, and extreme-event risk is distinguished from risks of moderate or lesser severity. The RRF employs the analytic hierarchy process with sensitivity analysis to produce the final site ranking. The RRF adheres to measurement theory and is based on graphics and intuition, which lends ease to the method's application, versatility, and congruence with quality risk management.

Subject Headings: Sensitivity analysis | Risk management | Ratings | Mitigation and remediation | Site investigation | Hazardous wastes | Filters

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