Global Change: Geoengineering and Space Exploration

by Lyle M. Jenkins, Johnson Space Cent, Houston, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space III


Increased concern over the effects of global climate change and depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in support for the Global Change Research Program and for the Mission to Planet Earth. Research to understand Earth system processes is critical, but it falls short of providing ways of mitigating the effects of environmental change. Geoengineering options and alternatives to interactively manage change need to be developed. Space-based concepts for dealing with changes to the environment should be considered in addition to Earth-based actions. 'Mission for Planet Earth' describes those space-based geoengineering solutions that may combine with an international global change program to stabilize the Global environment. Large space systems, tha may be needed for this response, challenge engineering and technology implicit in the Mission from Planet Earth. Definition, analysis, demonstration, and preparation of geoengineering technology will provide a basis for policy response if global change consequences are severe. Regional working groups are proposed as a means on initiating the process.

Subject Headings: Space exploration | Aerospace engineering | Planets | Ozone | Geotechnical engineering | Climate change | Urban and regional development

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