Transport Models to Simulate Nitrate Contamination
by Louis H. Motz, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, United States,Kirk Hatfield, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, United States,
Glenn A. Tootle, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, United States,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Symposium on Ground Water
Computer models can be used to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the vadose zone, the results of which can be used as input to simulate flow and transport in the saturated zone. A vadose-zone model (LEACHM) was used to calculate vertical fluxes of water and nitrogen reaching the water table, and the results from this simulation were used subsequently to model horizontal flow and nitrate transport in a surficial aquifer using the USGS method of characteristics model.
Subject Headings: Simulation models | Groundwater flow | Flow simulation | Groundwater pollution | Computer models | Water resources | Water pollution
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