Connecting With DOTs

by Laura Lang, Freelance Writer; San Diego, CA,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1991, Vol. 61, Issue 6, Pg. 36-38

Document Type: Feature article


Want to bid on projects from state departments of transportation? First make sure your firm can translate computer-assisted drafting (CAD) drawings into different computer file formats. In the next decade, DOTS may drive consultants into becoming translation experts. The Florida Department of Transportation has stopped just short of making the International Graphics Data Standard (IGDS) format by Huntsville, Ala.-based Intergraph Corp. a requirement, but that's the direction the department is headed. Civil engineering consultants who bid for state DOT projects are already reading between the lines of such requests. They see IGDS becoming the delivery standard in the next few years. FDOT officials say they don't want the new guidelines to force consultants to switch software. Instead they're encouraging them to purchase translation services or bridge software (typically costing $1,000 to $2,000) that translates CAD drawings to the Intergraph IGDS format.

Subject Headings: Consulting services | Computer aided design | Project management | Computer software | Bids | Standards and codes | Graphic methods

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