Magnetic Fluid Conditioning
by William S. Vick, Tennessee Tech Univ, Cookeville, United States,Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Environmental Engineering
Industry is now turning to develop magnetic water treatment in an effort to discontinue the use of chemicals. Magnetic water treatment takes a different approach to solving the same problem that chemical treatment attempts to solve, namely the problems caused by hard, or mineral-bearing water when it is used as industrial process water in cooling and heating systems. Magnetic treatment approaches the elimination of these problems by changing the behavior of the problem-causing minerals rather than by changing the chemical make-up of the water. The magnetic field through which the water passes causes the water molecules to line up uniformly end to end as the net charges are all equalized. This, in turn, does not allow the hard minerals, generally Calcium Carbonate or Magnesium Carbonate, measured as CaCO3, to form scale inside of the pipes. The minerals are then able to settle out as sludge in the cooling towers. The following paper will describe the process of magnetic fluid conditioning, its uses, and its environmental aspects.
Subject Headings: Water treatment | Magnetic fields | Chemical treatment | Temperature effects | Minerals | Industries | Water quality
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