Urban Hydrologic Modelling: HEC's Experience

by Arlen D. Feldman, US Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources


Urban hydrologic modelling began at the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) with the first versions of the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package. The early applications were for large, primarily rural river basins. As the Corps became more involved in urban flood control projects, new capabilities emphasizing physically-based simulation techniques were developed. When the Corps envisioned a mission in urban runoff water quality, the STORM model was developed. Another application to urban hydrology came about in connection with the Corps floodplain management program. That resulted in application of geographic information system (GIS) techniques to land development and runoff management. A recent addition to HEC's modelling tools is the new Interior Flood Hydrology (IFH) software system.

Subject Headings: Hydrologic models | Municipal water | Hydrologic engineering | Water quality | Urban areas | Floods | Mathematical models

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