Freshwater Diversions from the Mississippi River to Wetlands in Southeast Louisiana

by Domingo J. Elguezabal, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources


Wetlands in the United States are disappearing at a rapid rate due to a variety of manmade and natural causes. In southeast Louisiana, freshwater diversions from the Mississippi River are used to reduce the loss rate. This paper discusses causes for the losses of the wetlands in the area and some projects, planned and under construction, that will help reduce the impacts of saltwater intrusion on these wetlands.

Subject Headings: Salt water intrusion | Fresh water | Wetlands (coastal) | Rivers and streams | Water resources | Spillways | Wetlands (fresh water) | United States | Mississippi River | Louisiana

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