Retaining Forest Roads
by Gordon R. Keller, (M.ASCE), Geotechnical Engr.; USDA Forest Service, Plumas National Forest, California,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1990, Vol. 60, Issue 12, Pg. 50-53
Document Type: Feature article
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, manages a vast system of roads which provide access to America's national forests. More than 250,000 miles of roads exist with a wide variety of design standards ranging from major paved Federal Highways to local, narrow, single lane native surfaced roads. Most walls constructed by the Forest Service are less than 25 ft. high and are located in areas where site access is poor. The Forest Service uses standard and non-standard retaining structures on low and moderate standard rural roads. Many are innovative low cost, alternative earth reinforced retaining structures, included welded wire walls, chainlink fencing walls, geotextile walls, timber and tire-faced walls, lightweight walls and reinforced fills. These walls are also well suited for many private, local and county roads.
Subject Headings: Retaining structures | Forests | Highway and road design | Structure reinforcement | Highways and roads | Walls | Wood structures
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