Asphalt in the U.S. Transportation Infrastructure

by Robert E. Boyer, Asphalt Inst, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Serviceability and Durability of Construction Materials


Asphalt has been the major pavement material responsible for development of the transportation infrastructure enjoyed by American citizens. This paper addresses issues to be monitored over the next decade. First, supply and demand for asphalt will grow at a constant rate in pace with funding to maintain 93 per-cent of the nation's roadway surfaces. Secondly, intense efforts are being initiated to insure quality assurance/quality control over proper construction to obtain longer pavement life. Basic asphalt technological research program and funding mechanisms are being enhanced through federal agency support. Lastly, some environmental concerns dealing with possible air and water contamination are under close scrutiny by industry.

Subject Headings: Asphalt pavements | Highways and roads | Construction materials | Infrastructure construction | Water quality | Quality control | Pavements

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