Rx for Dam Repair
by Erik M. Bernard, Manager; Engrg. Sevices, Bridgeport Hydraulic Co., 835 Main Street, P.O. Box 702, Bridgeport, CT 06601-2353,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1989, Vol. 59, Issue 11, Pg. 44-46
Document Type: Feature article
Bernard asserts the growing importance of maintenance to extend the service life of dams as more and more of them reach or exceed their design lives. He describes renovations to Easton and Means Brook Dams in Connecticut, two concrete gravity dams built early in this century experiencing freeze/thaw deterioration. Especially critical in formulating a comprehensive repair program, he says, is to undertake necessary investigative work to determine the cause of deterioration and a general repair approach prior to detailed design and construction. Though the two dams were of similar type and had similar problems, the deterioration at Easton Dam was caused by reservoir leakage and at Means Brook by exposure and weathering. These different causes dictated the formulation of distinctly different repair approaches.
Subject Headings: Gravity dams | Deterioration | Concrete dams | Weathering | Service life | Reservoirs | Renovation
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