Safety on 21st Century Highways
by Richard D. Powers, Federal Highway Administration, United States,Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Engineering 21st Century Highways
Consistently high geometric design standards, adequate pavement skid resistance, drainage and markings, and appropriate signing, delineation and lighting all reduce the potential for driver error and constitute the highway engineers first line of defense against accidents and injuries. However, once a vehicle leaves the travelled portion of the roadway and encroaches onto the roadside the motorist's chances of becoming involved in an accident are significantly increased. This paper summarizes the many improvements made to the roadside to reduce the potential for serious injury to a motorist who runs off the roadway and identifies areas where even greater gains can be realized as today's knowledge is applied to tomorrow's highways. It is significant to note that a highway built and opened to traffic today will, in fact, be a 21st century highway.
Subject Headings: Traffic accidents | Highway and road design | Highway engineering | Traffic signs | Traffic safety | Pavement design | Traffic signals
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