America's Changing Demographics: Impacts on Transportation Requirements

by James A. Scott, Natl Research Council, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Engineering 21st Century Highways


Present and future demographic changes in the United States will significantly impact future transportation requirements. These changes include a redistribution of the nation's population, the shifting racial composition of our society, and urban-suburban growth patterns, as well as changes in rural America, all requiring attention in both current and future transportation planning. With these societal changes come opportunities and challenges that will test the skills and capabilities of all professional planners and engineers. These professionals have built the world's finest transportation system, one that provides the highest level of mobility to both the public and private sectors of our economy, but most importantly, to our citizens as well. What about the future? What do we need to know, to anticipate, or to project to help not only meet current transportation requirements, but also to prepare for the future? An examination of some trends suggests some answers.

Subject Headings: Social factors | Population projection | Urban and regional development | Statistics | Professional development | Transportation management | Rural areas | United States

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