Current Developments in Reinsulating/Waterproofing Underground Steam Mains in New York City

by Dennis L. Ciemniecki, Con Edison Steam Operations Div, New, York, NY, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Pipeline Infrastructure


The objective of Con Edison's reinsulation project is to develop the materials and technology necessary to reinsulate those steam distribution mains having excessive thermal loss rates caused by the breakdown of the original insulation, insufficient original insulation and/or contact with ground water. The material recently tested withstands constant exposure to 413 degree F (212 degree C) and 100% relative humidity without significant loss of either its mechanical or thermal insulating properties. In addition, the material allows reinsulation of the live steam main with minimal excavation. An applicable use was found in tidal or ground water areas. The water resistant qualities of this material prevent the occurrence of hazardous vapor conditions.

Subject Headings: Building insulation | Thermal properties | Pipe materials | Material properties | Hazardous substances | Urban areas | Project management | New York City | New York | United States

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