Design Data of Pump-Turbine and Francis Turbine Units

by Franc Schweiger, Univ of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugosl, Univ of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia,
Janez Gregori, Univ of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugosl, Univ of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Water Power '87


Some basic statistical data covering geometrical and energy parameters for Francis turbine and Pump-turbine units are presented. These data are further compared as specific ratios for both units, showing their principal differences. The position of the maximum efficiency and its value with regard to the specific speed for Francis and Pump-turbines are given for both modes of operation.

Subject Headings: Turbines | Pumps | Parameters (statistics) | Hydraulic design | Hydrologic data | Hydro power | Highway and road design

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