Building High Tech in China
by Bill C. Fok, Proj. Mgr.; Dr. Owl Planning & Design, Hong Kong,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1987, Vol. 57, Issue 8, Pg. 59-61
Document Type: Feature article
The tallest steel structure in the People's Republic of China is being built by an international complement of designers, suppliers, vendors and contractors. It is the 42 story Shenzhen Development Center, housing both offices and a hotel in the new economic zone of Shenzhen. Designers are CRS/Sirrine, Houston in joint venture with Dr. Owl Planning & Design of Hong Kong. Watson Architectural & Engineering Design Consultants, a state-owned firm, prepared the structural drawings in Chinese. Contractors are from both Hong Kong and the mainland, but the steel was fabricated in Japan and the curtain wall comes from France. Transfer of technology was a major part of the U.S. design team's efforts.
Subject Headings: Building design | Steel structures | Contracts and subcontracts | Consulting services | Architectural engineering | Supply chain management | Structural engineering | China | Asia
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