Solutions for Pavement Rehabilitation Problems

by Sanford LaHue, Jr., (M.ASCE), 308 Burning Springs Court, Arlington, TX 76017,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-578-5 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-578-8 (ISBN-10), 1986, Soft Cover, Pg. 303

Conference information: A Conference | Atlanta, Georgia, United States | May 19-21, 1986

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


Preservation of our nation's highways is the goal of highway civil engineers in the decades to come. The public travels on pavements and this important part of the system is in need of attention. Selecting the appropriate life-cycle strategy for rehabilitation or complete reconstruction is critical in view of limited funding available. The needs are many. Once the appropriate solution is decided upon, it must be designed and built to the highest quality standards. The papers in this book review the process of determining the proper rehabilitation or reconstruction solution and how to assure quality design and construction. Obtaining field data is essential and thus an efficient pavement management system is needed. The use of modern, accepted design procedures, specifications and quality control, contributes to the long-term solution. Handling the traveling public during this process takes detailed care, so work zone safety is stressed. Finally, new ideas, so important in highway work, are discussed. The final session covers new ideas and concepts related to preserving our nation's highways.

Subject Headings: Rehabilitation | Pavements | Construction management | Systems management | Quality control | Highways and roads | Highway engineering


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