Nuclear Waste Handling and Storage

by Ralph A. Kohl, (M.ASCE), Sr. Struct. Engrg.; Stone & Webster Engrg. Corp., 245 Summer St., Boston, MA 02107,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-562-4 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-562-1 (ISBN-10), 1986, Soft Cover, Pg. 75

See all papers/chapter

Conference information: A Session of ASCE Convention | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | October 31, 1986

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


These papers examine a number of topics related to handling and storage of nuclear wastes and spent fuel as well as some topics related to transportation and long term disposal of nuclear wastes. Several papers deal with special topics related to the national repository for disposal of high level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel in geologic salt formations. There are also several papers dealing with handling and storage of low level radioactive wastes which reflect the current emphasis being placed on reducing the rate at which the volume of these wastes are being produced at commercial nuclear generating facilities. One paper describes the structural design aspects of a facility for processing of defense nuclear waste. Another paper describes a microcomputer program used for the dynamic analysis of impact limiters used on fuel shipping casks.

Subject Headings: Waste storage | Radioactive wastes | Waste disposal | Fuels | Nuclear power | Dynamic analysis | Structural design


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