Alternate Sewers�No Longer Alternate
by Kneeland A. Godfrey, Jr., Sr. Ed.;Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1986, Vol. 56, Issue 8, Pg. 66-69
Document Type: Feature article
The term alternate sewers means those used where neither conventional gravity sanitary sewers will suffice, nor will the septic tank/leach field system. In such situations, usually one of four alternates is chosen: the STEP (septic tank and effluent pumping), the Grinder-Pump system, the small diameter gravity sewer (with sewage flowing by gravity) and the vacuum sewer. This article describes the growing popularity of the four classes, since 1977 when Congress and EPA provided incentives, and says the operating and maintenance problems and costs do not seem to be excessive in well-conceived and run systems. In October 1986 the Water Pollution Control Federation was scheduled to publish the nation's first generic manual of practice,
Subject Headings: Sewers | Gravity sewers | Water pollution | Sewage | Sanitary sewers | Pumps | Maintenance and operation
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