Lessons Learned from Design, Construction, and Performance of Hydraulic Structures
byTask Committee on Lessons Learned from Design, Construction, and Performance of Hydraulic Structures of the Hydraulic Structures Committee of the Hydraulics Division of ASCE
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-542-6 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-542-7 (ISBN-10), 1986, Soft Cover, Pg. 280
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.
Document Type: Book
The intent of this publication is to provide lessons learned, both positive and negative, from activities associated with design, construction, and performance of hydraulic structures. The book contains 191 abstracts of case reports. Reports cover designs that were improved and poor performance brought up to standard, designs or features that were discarded or removed because they were unworkable, or unsolved problems with designs or features that are still being used because no economically and/or technically feasible alternative is available. Each abstract includes the area of consideration (hydraulic, geotechnical, or structural), the stage of involvement (design, construction, or operation), and the status of the problem (solved or unsolved and why). Each abstract also includes a source to be contacted for more information.
Subject Headings: Hydraulic design | Hydraulic structures | Construction management | Publications | Geotechnical engineering | Economic factors | Case studies
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