Mainframe Software on Micos�Finally?

by Kenneth S. Herring, (M.ASCE), Pres.; Support for Sensible Decisions, Inc., Rockville, MD 20855,
Vicki Harding, Vice Pres.; Support for Sensible Decisions, Inc., Rockville, MD 20855,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1986, Vol. 56, Issue 5, Pg. 59-61

Document Type: Feature article


Now that sophisticated analyses run on microcomputers, engineers should consider converting software originally written for mainframs on their micros. Tools for transferring software can be used by typical engineers without the help of professional programmers. Fortran programs originally written for mainframes are a major source of engineering software for micros. A compiler converts an entire program into machine code, and is typically used to create Fortran programs. The trick to successful conversion is choosing the right compiler and understanding hardware and software quirks that affect the transformation.

Subject Headings: Computer software | Standards and codes | Equipment and machinery | Computers

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