Treating Sewage in One Tank
by E. E. Halmos, Jr., (Aff.M.ASCE), Magazine Editorial Consultant; Poolesville, MD,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1986, Vol. 56, Issue 4, Pg. 64-65
Document Type: Feature article
A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was the answer to a sewage problem that was holding up community development in Poolesville, MD. Poolesville was one of the first municipalities in the U.S. to build a full-scale facility for treating wastewater. The new technology involves treating sewage in just three tanks and an aerobic digester. The SBR is cost-effective because just a few trained people with the help of a programmable controller can run it. It also does not require a heavy, steady flow to operate at top efficiency, and can handle surges in flow characteristic of small residential communities. Several other factors that made this method attractive are described.
Subject Headings: Wastewater treatment | Sewage | Municipal wastewater | Water tanks | Waste treatment | Urban and regional development | Steady flow
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