Experimental Studies, Structural Design and Full-Scale Measurements for the Columbia Seafirst Center

by J. B. Skilling, Skilling Ward Rogers Barkshire Inc, Seattle, WA, USA,
T. Tschanz, Skilling Ward Rogers Barkshire Inc, Seattle, WA, USA,
N. Isyumov, Skilling Ward Rogers Barkshire Inc, Seattle, WA, USA,
P. Loh, Skilling Ward Rogers Barkshire Inc, Seattle, WA, USA,
A. G. Davenport, Skilling Ward Rogers Barkshire Inc, Seattle, WA, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Building Motion in Wind


The Columbia Seafirst Center is a 76-story office tower located in downtown Seattle, Washington. It rises to a height of about 940 feet above ground and is the world's 10th tallest building. This paper describes the program of wind tunnel model studies carried out for this building with emphasis on the aeroelastic investigation which provided information on overall wind induced loads and structural responses. The main findings of that study and their implications on structural design are presented ad discussed. A program of full scale measurements has been initiated in order to verify the dynamic properties of the building, including the effectiveness of the viscoelastic dampers. No significant storms occurred since the completion of the building and only limited full scale measurements are available at the writing of this paper.

Subject Headings: Wind tunnel | Buildings | Wind loads | Dynamic structural analysis | Structural response | Structural dynamics | Structural design | Washington | United States | Seattle

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