Increasing Hydropower Operating Efficiency

by Walter O. Wunderlich, TVA, Norris, TN, USA,
James E. Giles, TVA, Norris, TN, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Waterpower '85


A method is described for determining the most efficient use of hydro units in a multiple unit hydro plant. In a multi-unit plant enough flexibility exists to load a chosen set of units so as to meet a required power demand with maximum overall plant efficiency. The method described can be used to search for this 'globally efficient' loading of units. The method offers two options. The first option accepts a specified load for each unit and simulates a multi-unit plant operation to meet a required plant load. The second option uses any initial set of unit loads that meet unit generation limits and the plant load requirement and then alters these loads until best overall plant efficiency is determined. The method has been programmed for use on a personal computer.

Subject Headings: Power plants | Load factors | Hydro power | Electric power | Energy efficiency | Maximum loads | Electrical systems

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