Power Value Determinations

by Edmund Barbour, Tudor Engineering Co, Denver, CO, USA,
Leslie A. Buttorff, Tudor Engineering Co, Denver, CO, USA,
James E. Parker, Tudor Engineering Co, Denver, CO, USA,
Floyd R. Summers, Tudor Engineering Co, Denver, CO, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Waterpower '85


Past and current federal methodology and procedures in power value determinations are presented for consideration by Western Area Power Administration (Western), U. S. Department of Energy (DOE), in establishing evaluation guidelines for their various programs to reflect currently changing conditions. Power values in economic analyses, expressed in broad-based benefit/cost relationships are contrasted to the use of power rates in comparing potential revenues and costs in financial or repayment analyses. Two methods of measuring power values have evolved in over 30 years of federal experience in evaluating hydropower, notably by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau), and the Corps of Engineers (Corps). They are identified as the 'alternative thermal plant' method and the 'systems planning model' method. The procedural applications of those methods and examples are presented.

Subject Headings: Power plants | Electric power | Economic factors | Federal government | Hydro power | Management methods | Construction methods

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