The Effects of Long Term Withdrawals on the Mid and Lower Hawthorne Aquifers, Cape Coral, Florida

by Michael S. Knapp, South Florida Water Management, District, Water Use Div, West Palm, Beach, FL, USA,
Wm. Scott Burns, South Florida Water Management, District, Water Use Div, West Palm, Beach, FL, USA,
Tim S. Sharp, South Florida Water Management, District, Water Use Div, West Palm, Beach, FL, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age


The paper reports on a study to assess the water resource availability of two artesian aquifers (the mid-Hawthorn and lower Hawthorn) in Cape Coral, Florida. The impacts of future withdrawal scenarios were derived using the P. E. Trescott, G. F. Pinder and S. F. Larson two-dimensional finite difference flow model. The results of the study indicate that the mid-Hawthorn aquifer is currently being overstressed with 80 percent of the water withdrawn coming from leakance from other aquifers. Continued excessive pumpage of the mid-Hawthorn will result in periodical failure of municipal wellfields and/or irreversible deterioration of the water quality.

Subject Headings: Water resources | Water quality | Two-dimensional models | Two-dimensional flow | Municipal water | Water management | Water leakage and water loss | Florida | United States

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