Water Conserv II - Reclaimed Water for Citrus Irrigation

by Salvatore D'Angelo, Boyle Engineering Corp, Environmental Dep, Orlando, FL, USA,
Kermit L. Prime, Jr., Boyle Engineering Corp, Environmental Dep, Orlando, FL, USA,
Keith C. Rice, Boyle Engineering Corp, Environmental Dep, Orlando, FL, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Environmental Engineering


Water Conserv II is a water reuse project which will involve the use of highly treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for agricultural irrigation. It is anticipated that the project will deliver approximately 25 million gallons a day of reclaimed water by mid-1986 and will ultimately deliver up to 50 million gallons a day when the system is completed. Ultimately the system will serve between 12,000 and 15,000 acres of agricultural land. Water Conserv II was developed to solve a wastewater effluent disposal problem for the City of Orlando and Orange County, both of which are under regulatory agency enforcement actions to eliminate effluent discharge into surface waters by 1988. At the same time, the project will benefit the agricultural community (primarily citrus growers), which has recently suffered from diminished rainfall and more stringent groundwater use restrictions. (Edited author abstract. )

Subject Headings: Water reclamation | Water conservation | Water treatment | Project management | Agricultural wastes | Wastewater treatment | Municipal wastewater | Orlando | Florida | United States

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