Apportionment of Costs for Multi-Party Cleanups
by Richard B. Adams, G&E Engineering Inc, Baton, Rouge, LA, USA,Donald D. Rosebrook, G&E Engineering Inc, Baton, Rouge, LA, USA,
Philip M. Zimmerman, G&E Engineering Inc, Baton, Rouge, LA, USA,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Environmental Engineering
A rational model was developed for allocating remedial response costs among potentially responsible parties involved in clean up of abandoned waste sites. The model takes into consideration waste quantity and hazard and physical characteristics as they impact the cost to accomplish cleanup. The mechanism is called the Cleanup Cost Allocation (CCA) model, and has been applied to a major Superfund site. The model is a viable mechanism for encouraging settlement negotiations among responsible parties. (Author abstract. )
Subject Headings: Waste sites | Benefit cost ratios | Waste treatment | Hazardous wastes | Waste management | Occupational safety | Toxicity
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