Quantifying Social and Environmental Objectives

by Benajmin F. Hobbs, Case Western Reserve Univ, Dep of, Systems Engineering, Cleveland, OH, USA,
Eugene Z. Stakhiv, Case Western Reserve Univ, Dep of, Systems Engineering, Cleveland, OH, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Computer Applications in Water Resources


Over the past decade, there have been great improvements in economic and multiobjective techniques for quantifying social and environmental objectives in water resources planning. Nevertheless, problems remain. Among others, they include: application of methods that are inappropriate to the decision making style of the agency; use of value scales and weights in multiobjective analysis that lack the properties that theory requires of them; and inadequate information on the pros and cons of different methods. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of quantification methods and their use.

Subject Headings: Water resources | Social factors | Decision making | Water use | Hydraulic engineering | Environmental engineering | Economic factors

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