High Strength Steel

by Kneeland A. Godfrey, Jr., Sr. Ed.; Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE World Headquarters, 345 East 47th Street, New York City, NY.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1985, Vol. 55, Issue 5, Pg. 50-53

Document Type: Feature article


A Wall Street Journal story in January 1984 described a number of bridges, buildings, automobiles, buses and other structures made of high-strength steel that had failed. The reader might conclude that high strength steel's use should be stopped or curtailed. Experts do not agree with that viewpoint but do say high strength steel structures must be specified, designed, built and used more carefully than if the steel had been lower strength. This article includes case histories of some of the structural failures described in the Journal article, and reviews the properties of high strength steel and some precautions that should be followed in its use.

Subject Headings: High-strength steel | Steel structures | Steel bridges | Structural strength | Case studies | Structural steel | Structural failures

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